Sunday, February 7, 2010

frustration and mission

had a difficult talk with Sara last night. definitely happens sometimes when i'm on the road. some times (like last night), it's because one of the kids is just continually doing things that aren't ok and...being kids...they just can't seem to get the idea that they need to stop it. so, seeing that i'm not there, Sara gets to deal with all that with no break and it can be crazy frustrating. not sure i could do it. so often she thinks i take this for granted, but i truly respect who she is and what she does...she's an epic woman that (like many women) can't seem to see how amazing she is and the beauty that she brings to the lives of the people around her.
so this morning, i was listening to matt chandler from the village church while i was running and his message was about living on mission. he talked about how everything about us is the way it is because God had something in mind for it...our bodies, the time we live in, the people around us, the place we live and work, everything. i often try to make it seem like my job is something that i endure so i can make money that i can put to use in the the things that are actually important to me (God, family, random indie music, etc.). but this is so contrary to what is true! i am in my job...i fly airplanes...i'll go to new jersey in may because God wants to drop me in a new environment with the goal of pointing at him! i don't have to get up in people's face about it, but i need to embrace God as part of ALL of my life instead of compartmentalizing work, and home, and God, and whatever. i need to go into my house today (hopefully i can make it home in the aftermath of the blizzard)... anyway, i need to go into the house with the primary goal of pointing at God...showing the grace and love of God to my amazing wife, to my children. i think that if we can embrace this, then alot of the frustration that is so present in life will just melt. it is NOT my job to force my kids into some moral standard. it is my job to point them towards God in a way that they will see his love as the most important thing in this world. so easy to type i (we) just need to live it...

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