Monday, June 11, 2012

What's So Good About Grief?

Good Grief!, by Erica McNeal, is a great book that I'd recommend for anyone.  More specifically, I'd say it's a reference manual for dealing with grief either personally or in the lives of friends and loved ones.  

This can be a bit of a hard book to read...primarily due to the subject matter.  Most of us don't normally look for opportunities to get cozy and read a book about the crushing grief that can come from cancer, the loss of a child, and the sting of careless words.  But unfortunately, most of us will need the perspective and advice Erica offers in this book.  

Erica tells her story with honesty and vulnerability.  For those in a season of grief, she discusses her fight with guilt surrounding the tragic loss of her daughter and the hypocritical words and actions of Christians in her life when she most needed friendship and comfort.  But then she outlines the amazing hope that comes from knowing our God who "reveals His desire to relate to our own human brokenness."  

Unfortunately, I've lived life with friends that lost a child...and honestly, I disengaged because I didn't know what else to do.  Erica's book would've been an invaluable resource.  For those (like me) who struggle with knowing how to respond to the grief of others, she offers crucial recommendations for what (and what not) to say and do.  Here are a couple things that stuck out for me:

        -  Telling someone to call if they need anything isn't helpful.  Cleaning their house or taking their kids out for something fun...much better plan.

        -  It may not always be a good idea to quote scripture at someone when they're grieving...your take on God's plan for them may not be welcome just then.  Also, asking a cancer patient about weight changes or baldness probably isn't great either (really...that needs to be said?).  

        -  Prayer IS an action...pray for them!  Erica thoughtfully provides specific ways to pray for and talk to loved ones that need you now more than ever. wrap up...go buy this book (Click HERE)!  It offers grace and hope in the face of tragedy and wisdom when it's needed most.

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