Wednesday, June 8, 2011

With all humility...

So a few months ago, there was a huge (ok...huge in the religious section of USA today) uproar when Rob Bell (pastor, writer, speaker, etc.) came out with a book called 'Love Wins'.  In a video promotion for the book, Bell questioned very basic beliefs about hell and what happens after we die, leading some to go so far as to call him a heretic.  I haven't read the book, but I plan to...not because I want to poison myself with false teaching, but because I want to be forced to consider the fact that I just might not be right about everything I claim to believe.

Yes...I said it...I just might be wrong about one or two things that I believe.  Seriously???  Why is that so hard for us to admit?  There are millions of people and thousands of denominations that read the same Bible I do and come to differing stances on many issues.  So I want to read Bell's book because I think if I refuse, then I'm holding myself (and my opinions) up as superior to Bell...and that's just me making myself up as a little god.

Anyway, Francis Chan is a powerful writer and speaker that I respect a lot and he's coming out with a book called "Erasing Hell".  Some people may start to throw stones at this one too, but I hope that the whole ordeal with Bell has helped us to see that we should approach with all humility those who are truly dedicated to bringing people closer to God through Christ.  We don't have to agree with everything they say...but we need to give them the chance to say it before we start 'defending the faith' and throwing around accusations.

Chan put out a video a couple weeks ago that talks about this...thought it was great and wanted to share it, so here you go...that'll do...

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