2nd thought from his message...He talked about idols. This hit a note with me because I've thought before about writing a piece on the idols we don't really acknowledge. So...I honestly think that for most of us in the US, our greatest idol IS our country. We think that because our country was based on Christian principles, then God must have our country's best interests at the center of his plan. How does this compute under the gospel? At what point did nationalism and evangelical christianity get all tied up? Someone I love and respect recently said something that almost made me cry. I was talking to this person about the US possibly detaining people in countries with lighter restrictions on torture so that we could 'extract information'. This person responded with..."So?"
When did we (believers) adopt the belief that American lives are more valuable than any others? How can we claim to celebrate the love and grace of God if we are ok with torture in the name of any man-made institution? Derek Webb recently put out a song called American Flag Umbrella. In it, he included the following lyrics. I think they're amazing and I think I'll round this out with them...
I know a way out of hell
We raise all our enemies' children
After they've murdered ours
We affix all their scars to our walls
So there's heartbreak for everyone
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