So it's been forever since I got on this...probably will continue to be a trend. We're in Jersey now and I'm killing myself as a student...learning Calculus and Statistics so far with more to come. Anyway, I wanted to post 2 things...
First...about a month ago (actually on her birthday), Kate was telling me how we needed to be careful for "tomato storms". I tried to keep it together and not die laughing as I asked her what a tomato storm was. She said "you know, Dad, the ones that tear down houses!" Gotta love the minds of children...she was just talking about them again a couple days ago and reminded me that I wanted to put it in here.
Second...still pushing through the Bible reading plan (although I'm about 10 days behind). But Will Johnston is one of the preachers at NCC. He put up a post a while back that's basically a modern American version of 2 Corinthians 6:4-10. Even though I hate the shallowness of our perceived suffering, I love that he was able to capture so much that challenges us to do SOMETHING. So here's my blatant act of plagiarism...enjoy...
“ servants of God we commend ourselves in many ways: by financial restraint, forgoing bigger TVs, slicker cell phones, expensive furnishings, and costly meals in order to support missionaries and our brothers and sisters who have lost jobs; by sacrificing personal safety, opening our homes to the homeless and living in rough neighborhoods to provide an example for children with little hope. We feed the hungry, visit the imprisoned, and adopt orphans. We remain humble through all of this, recognizing that our sacrifice is nothing compared to that of Jesus Christ or the persecuted saints around the world, for whom we pray daily and provide support when given opportunity. We are pure, wise, patient, and kind because we have the Holy Spirit. We love all people and speak the truth even when it is difficult. We do not care if others judge us for what we have given up or how we choose to live. We are rich because we have Christ, one another, and eternal treasure, and we believe that by caring for one another, Christ’s light will shine through us and draw people into His Kingdom.”